Video annotations and markup

Write on photos and screenshots

Annotate videos and images
Add text, arrows, images, circles and free form drawings.

Easy drag-and-drop editor
We wanted to make this app as easy to use as possible. No fancy learning curves here, you can just jump-in and create.

"Baked in" annotations
Your annotations are professionally "baked in", so they are always displayed when you share your work.

Secure and confidential
This app runs locally right on your device. Your data and markups do not need to be processed by any third party servers.

Publish and share
Export and share your work. Exported videos and images are ready for publishing on all websites and social media networks including YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and more.

Magnify Image Regions
Draw attention to important image areas with "zoom and magnify".

Rich text editing
Easily customize your text with beautiful fonts and colors.

Save, load and update
You can save your markups and easily reload them into the app for future edits.

Available on the Microsoft Store
Download ImageMarkup and VideoMarkup from the Microsoft Store.